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Sunday, June 28, 2009

CD Covers in your musics on V8

You probably have saw in the commercial (or even in the images over the internet) that the V8 shows the CD covers while playing music. Well its not really like that if the cd cover isn’t already in the music file.

To include the CD covers in your music, download this program:


(Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?ynlnbbvodnk, in case the above link not working).


After installing, open it and in the hierarchy in the left side navigate to the folder where your musics are located, select the songs you want to include the CD cover, right click then select the option “Edit tag in Selected files”.

After you do that will appear a screen like this:

Check the “Art” thing in the top, the click in the “Add” button. Now go to the folder where the CD cover is located and select it. Then press apply and you are done.

Now just pass your music to your V8 and now it should show the cd covers while playing ;).


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